With this in mind, who you share your personal goodbye letter to alcohol with is entirely your choice. It may be something that you would find useful, to allow others an insight into your own journey with alcohol, or it may be a tool that you want to keep totally private. In the early days of drinking, alcohol was often enjoyed by people and this is added into the letter. When you are strong in recovery, it may be helpful to share your letter with family and friends.

I miss our secret relationship, the way that no-one else was part of it and could never get in on it. I miss the way you comfort me when I’m down. It sometimes creeps up on me unexpectedly how much I miss you.

A break-up letter to alcohol

You can write about how you knew you hit rock bottom and needed help. You can also write about the secondary problems that came about because of your substance abuse issues and why you want to change them. Since this letter is not addressed to an actual person, it can be written as a journal entry, traditional letter, or whatever format that best fits you. Your goal is to tell alcohol that it will no longer be part of your life by using a long or short Goodbye https://ecosoberhouse.com/ to express your feelings. If you choose, you can save the letter, send it off in the mail, or share it with your counselor.

At first this didn’t faze me because you were still worth it to me. I couldn’t conceive of life without you, because you were still the only thing I could rely on to diminish the fear. But I couldn’t really deny any more the skeleton that I had become, the way my hair was falling out, that you had destroyed my body and skewed my mind. You never disappointed me, you never let me down.

Sinn Féin extends lead to stay on course to be largest party in next Dáil, latest opinion poll shows

Ever since you were in that car accident, I know you’ve been abusing your prescription pain meds. I can’t possibly understand the fear and pain you felt in those terrifying moments—or what emotions you are experiencing now that cause you to want to keep taking more pills. When handled properly, an impact letter can expose a pattern of abuse while also establishing a sense of purpose in someone living with substance abuse. By following this template, you can check every box to ensure your letter sends the proper message and increases the likelihood of treatment. Instead, use the conclusion of your letter to reaffirm your love, summarize your commitment and explain the importance of treatment.

  • You also helped me through some rough periods in my life too.
  • Mostly I coped, but a series of stressful events, cumulatively devastating to me and my newly-thin skin, led me to seek your comforting arms again.

So I decided I could never see you again. Part of me wanted to leave you, but I knew I couldn’t entirely, as the constant fear was still there. I realised that the fear would have to go if I ever had a chance of being independent from you. So, over the next few years I tried various things to try to get rid of the fear and try to pull away from you.

Stories to Help You Live Better

When using this tool, one writes without regard to normal conventions of grammar and spelling. Instead, one writes to express their emotions and feelings around an event, or set of events, that has deeply affected their lives. Writing a goodbye letter to alcohol has been used in recovery for many years, and for all types of addictions and drugs, and is one recovery tool that I really advocate. Writing a personal goodbye letter helped me and it may well help you. You might not see yourself as much of a writer, but give it a try! Start writing a letter yourself, and you might be surprised just how much it helps you.

  • How you made me feel as if I was wrapped in a delightful bubble, and I wanted you.
  • But, I take responsibility for choosing to hang around with you.
  • Her name is Recovery and she makes me feel good about myself…as a Person, a Father, a Spouse, and a Friend.
  • Even though I did this many years ago in rehab, it meant more to me this time.

You were hanging around with my friends and me, and we just seemed to work well together. Alcohol,We have been together for such a long time. I first got involved with you aged 14 when I remember buying 4 beers with my cousin.

Maybe you’ll go to Al-Anon meetings, accompany your loved one to AA, visit regularly during rehab or help with choosing the right program. When the subject of an intervention knows that help goodbye alcohol letter is available, making the choice to get assistance won’t feel so impossible. In the introduction of a letter, state who you are and your relationship to the subject of an intervention.

Saginaw Valley State University to introduce alcohol sales at athletic venues in trial run – WEYI

Saginaw Valley State University to introduce alcohol sales at athletic venues in trial run.

Posted: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 21:03:22 GMT [source]

I just kept looking over at your chubby cheeks and pinching myself so I’d know it was real. Don’t be overly flattering or insincere in your letter; this is not helpful, and your lack of sincerity will likely come across to the subject of an intervention. If you have faced a tumultuous relationship as a result of drugs or alcohol, try to think back to a happier time when addiction wasn’t standing in the way. When you stumble, it is tempting to just give up. When you focus on writing about why you decided to get sober, it will reinforce these reasons.

This can keep you motivated in your recovery as well as help you feel power over your addiction as you recognize that you have a brighter future ahead of you. Writing a letter to your addiction may seem daunting at first. As an Illinois drug rehab, we are sharing a few tips on writing a goodbye letter to addiction that could not only help you in the present but also be beneficial in the future.

letter to alcohol

You were definitely putting on a show at the beach, and if you can remember, you finally won me over. Over 200 miles of you and me on the road together. We seemed to have a lot of those kinda moments, especially towards the end. I’m not gonna say good-bye without a thank you. I appreciate all the confidence you gave me, especially during those college years. You took away tons of stress and even gave me some pretty cool dance moves.